FESTINA | Festina Writing Instruments | Pens | Fountain pens | Rollerball pens | Ballpoint Pens | 圓珠筆 | 原子筆 | 鋼筆 | 簽字筆 | 墨水筆 | 鋼珠筆 | 走珠筆 | 寶珠筆 | Folders | Key ring | Luxury brands | Luxury business gifts | Quartic | B2B Gifts Shop | Hong Kong | China


With more than 30 years of experience, the Festina Group is a prestigious international company specializing in the production and marketing of time pieces.

Its know-how and the 5 million watches that it distributes annually make it one of the benchmarks in the watch market. The Group’s leading brand, FESTINA, founded in Switzerland in 1902, is currently exported to more than 90 countries, on five continents. Such expansion and recognition by the general public could only be achieved by building on three founding pillars:
- a proven taste for challenge,
- a desire for constant innovation,
- the tireless search for optimal value for money.
Today, driven by the same passion, a new page is written for the brand, with the launch of Festina Writing and its arrival in the world of writing instruments and leather goods.

Its know-how and the 5 million watches that it distributes annually make it one of the benchmarks in the watch market. The Group’s leading brand, FESTINA, founded in Switzerland in 1902, iscurrently exported to more than 90 countries, on five continents.Such expansion and recognition by the general public could only beachieved by building on three founding pillars:
- a proven taste for challenge,
- a desire for constant innovation,
- the tireless search for optimal value for money.

Today, driven by the same passion, a new page is written for the brand,with the launch of Festina Writing and its arrival in the world of writing instruments and leather goods.

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